Maddie Harris

My fellow sloths,

I have had a crazy busy summer so far, wow!

I started off summer break back in Minnesota, where I enjoyed a relaxing two weeks with my friends and family. I also had my wisdom teeth pulled so most of those two weeks I was in bed watching Jane the Virgin and romantic comedies. I also watched some of our game film, I must’ve been really bored. ;)

When I flew back to NC, I immediately started working at the Accounting office at WWC, where I have learned to like receipting checks and answering phones. I also started working at the AVL downtown YMCA in the Youth Development Center, where I take care of little kids while their parents get some exercise. I have loved working at the Y, because everyday is something new. Just yesterday, a little boy asked me if I was a boy and the first day I worked we had a poop incident! It keeps me on my toes.

When I am not working, I try to relax in the Villages, by the river, play soccer, and train. I have been working with AB, the men’s basketball coach, trying to get better. I also play on two summer league teams, Friday and Sunday. It has been fun meeting new people and being able to play on those teams, even though just this last weekend, I had TWO handballs in the box. (not a foreshadowment for our future games).

The highlight of my summer was definitely the Upper 90 Camp in June. I had the opportunity to hangout with Lydia, Stacia, Bianca, and a ton of other awesome, inspiring women soccer coaches. It was refreshing to be around a group that was passionate about soccer. It made me super excited for the fall! I definitely want to coach when I graduate from Wilson. For me, I just love being goofy and positive with young soccer players. Camp week was filled with much needed laughter and love.

The rest of the summer will be filled with more grind time, where I hope to get more touches in before I work. Hopefully, I can get out of Asheville for a weekend and take a breather before preseason starts.

I am super excited for the fall season to begin. This is by far my favorite time of the year and I cannot wait to share those experiences with you all. I hope you all keep training hard, as well as sloth out when needed.

Much love,

 Lydia, Bianca, and I after AVL Elite practice!

My sloths from home!

 Out in the river right before a snake floated by

 Me and Eli chillin


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