Fonda Heenehan
Hooters Fam,
This Summer has been the busiest and most complicated of my life! I started off with a three week trip to Europe where I spent two weeks on a study abroad course in Berlin, Germany, and one week in England visiting family. Germany was a fascinating and thrilling place to visit, and I wish I could have had more time to dig into the many layers history while I was there. On top of Germany simply being a nerdy-historian-and-philosophers’ gold mine, exploring Berlin was thrilling and it was definitely a fun place to start the Summer. While in England I stayed with family whom I have not seen in over ten years, explored London via an open top red bus, and of course drank a lot of tea. I had a great visit with my family and will definitely be seeing them before another ten years goes by.
I fell in love with Europe, and absolutely caught the travel bug, so I am currently figuring out the logistics of spending the Spring 2017 semester abroad. Hopefully in a place where I won’t have too difficult of a time learning a new language!
Once back in the States, I travelled to Myrtle Beach for a family reunion and spent some time at home. I am now back at Wilson to work. I am working on IT and also working as a Summer RA. In July I will take a break from campus work to travel back to SC to spend a week as a Camp Counselor at a camp for deaf children called Camp Wonder Hands. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for the week of camp! I haven’t signed in almost five years, so it will be interesting to see how quickly I am able to pick it back up.
I hope everyone is having fun and exciting Summers, only 6 weeks until we are back!
Love and peace,
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