Audrey Vanderboon

Hey, team!

Hope summer has been going well for everyone.  Not being there last semester makes me feel so out of the loop!  I don’t know what everyone is doing, but I am sure it is all good stuff =)  Quick update on me!  I came back from my Mexico study abroad and jumped right back into my USA life.  I went on a quick backpacking trip with Kevin, my partner, and then have begun both my EMT class and my Adventure Director position at a course not too far from my house.  My job allows me to see all different kinds of participants from big CEOs, little puffs (as Lydia would say), and everything between.  My sister gets married in two short weeks as well =)  A great summer so far!  Can’t wait to keep reading the summer posts by everyone! Stay safe and have fun!

Big ol’ hugs!


Picture of Puebla, MX where I did my study abroad.  Also where the battle of Cinco de Mayo took place =)

Picture from backpacking in the ADK in NY!


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