Day 1: hammers, sand, and tacos
Our first full day in South Carolina began early. We departed for the Habitat for Humanity work site a little after 8am. We are the second group to work on the house so we were put to work constructing the walls, windows, and doors. Each of us probably went through 200 nails. Eventually we got the hang of it. Grace was the champion of the nail hammering competition with an astounding 7 pounds to get the nail in the board!! A few of us literally put our heart and blood into the project as our hands are covered in blisters. After a short nap on the bus we went for a beach run to warm up for another awesome soccer session on the water front. We rounded out the night with delicious tacos prepared by Bianca, Marisa, Marley, and hanaa. A few brave souls slept outside but could not handle the sand fleas. Bedtime was early to prepare for another full day with Habitat. Thanks for reading!!
Hammering competition
Working hard at the saw.
Sydney I. (Squid)
Hammering competition
Working hard at the saw.
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